Services — Binti

We support community led social enterprise.


By locally producing and selling low-cost, affordable and disposable menstrual pads that are biodegradable and eco-friendly. Raw materials for production will be sourced locally and they will be manufactured alongside disposable pads to increase cost efficiency.


By locally producing menstrual pads that can be reused and recycled through a simple wash and dry, making them practical and cost effective.  


Binti focuses on increasing sustainability by hiring local women to produce and sell menstrual pads. Women will be economically independent,  empowered and they will create an extra source of sustainable income. Profits will be used to fund  Binti bespoke menstruation mindfulness education.  Solar energy will be used to power most of our workshops.

Alongside our production facilities,  Binti aims to educate by providing educational programmes with long term goal to change perceptions and dispel shame and taboos around periods. Health issues will be discussed and a forum will be provided for women  and men to be able to openly discuss periods without any prejudice.