Celebrating two years of Period Dignity in Surrey — Binti

Celebrating two years of Period Dignity in Surrey

Surrey County Council and Binti International celebrated the two-year anniversary of the ground-breaking Period Dignity initiative yesterday at Staines Library.

Menstrual Health Day on 28 May will mark two years to the day since Surrey County Council proudly launched the initiative with charity Binti International, to provide free period products in selected locations across Surrey.

To celebrate the upcoming milestone, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Communities and Community Safety Denise Turner-Stewart, Deputy Cabinet Member for Levelling Up Rebecca Paul, and SFRS Chief of Staff Bernie Beckett all visited Staines Library yesterday alongside a new period donation box.

Estimates suggest the service has been used more than 20,000 times over the past year alone, with free period products proving more important than ever as residents continue to face the challenges of the cost-of-living crisis.

To reflect the increasing popularity of the service, all participating libraries have now got their own “Period Dignity Champions”, whose role it is to restock the collection trays and educate residents about the campaign.   

Surrey Fire and Rescue Service are also expanding their support for Period Dignity in Surrey, with free period products to be offered to the public by their Community and Partnerships Team. Just look out for the sign below on vehicles at events or visits, and request products from a member of the team.

The service will also be placing donation boxes at their headquarters in Reigate and are hoping to extend this to other facilities in the coming months. 

Denise Turner-Stewart, Surrey County Council Cabinet Member for Communities and Community Safety said: “As we celebrate two years of Period Dignity in Surrey, we are reminded of its impact in ensuring that no one is left behind in our community. By supporting this campaign, we are breaking down the barriers and stigma surrounding periods, ensuring that everyone in Surrey has access to the necessary resources, support, and education they need to manage their period with dignity.

“A big thank you to everyone who has donated over the past few years, the generosity of residents and staff does not go unnoticed. It is amazing to see our communities coming together to help each other and to take the time to go to their local library to donate.

“I encourage everyone to take the free period products if they need them and donate what they can next time they visit their local library.”

Rachel Hales, Branch Manager at Staines Library said: “The library champions are so vital to the campaign and its success.  Since the cost-of-living crisis came to light we have noticed a big uptake in products, and we are just so thankful we can make a difference to someone in need.”

Manjit K Gill MBE, Founder of Binti International said: “We are so proud of our partnership with Surrey County Council, they have worked very closely with us to ensure that we have period dignity across the county.

“It’s important to remember that real change starts with understanding issues at grass root level and putting together a campaign to ensure nobody is left out. Period Dignity for us means providing period products, normalising the menstrual conversation and ensuring people understand what a period is. Two years on and our Dignity at Work campaign is going from strength to strength.

“We are very excited to expand our reach to the Surrey Fire and Rescue service and educate firefighters about periods. I’m delighted the project has sustained itself and we have had tremendous community engagement.”

Bernie Beckett, SFRS Chief of Staff, said: “We are delighted to be continuing our work with Binti and supporting Period Dignity in Surrey, to extend on the excellent work which has already been done by Surrey County Council and the charity over the last two years. In the coming month, period products will begin to be available to members of our community who may be in need from our Community and Partnerships vehicles through their regular Safe and Well Visits, and at service events.”

You can collect or donate products at 40 of our locations across Surrey – to learn more and find a location near you visit: surreycc.gov.uk/perioddignity

When donating, please be aware that we only accept individually wrapped period products.
