Sanitary towels — Press — Binti

Sanitary towels

Oldest UK Gurdwara to provide Menstruation Products as part of facelift

Oldest UK Gurdwara to provide Menstruation Products as part of facelift

The oldest gurdwara in Europe, established in 1908 by the early Sikh migrants, will become the first Gurdwara in the World to provide free sanitary pads to women.

Menstruation Still Holds Back Women and Girls

Last week, UK news reported that the charity Freedom4Girls had discovered school girls in West Yorkshire had no alternative but to stuff toilet paper down their pants to stop themselves from bleeding through their clothes at school. They couldn’t afford sanitary products and some were skipping school as a result. Freedom4Girls is a UK-based organisation that is focused on work in Kenya on this issue. However, since learning about these girls, the Charity has had sent some sample packs to the school and launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for research into the scale of the issue in the UK.